New PGR Resources: Perennial Guide and Apps
PGR resources are available in a variety of presentation methods. Printed PGR Guides are available for rates and resources for PGR use on annual floral crops and for herbaceous perennial plants. These Guides are mailed to subscribers of GrowerTalks magazine in January each year, with the Annual Guide published in odd years and the Herbaceous Perennials Guide published in even numbered years. These guides are also available for download as pdf documents on the website under the Research Tab. These PGR Guides have been converted to searchable databases which are available on the e-GRO website as well.
Check out the video for more on mobile PGR resources for rate recommendations and calculations. For more information on electronic PGR resources, check out Dr. Brian Whipker’s video on PGR resources here.
Joyce Latimer is an Extension Specialist for Greenhouse Crops at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia. Joyce has been evaluating plant growth regulators (PGRs) on herbaceous perennials for over 25 years. Her passion is improving plant quality and ease of production for producers while improving the quality of these plants for the home garden.