New PGR Resources
Here’s a listing of new information about PGRs
For plant growth regulator information, greenhouse growers have a number of online and electronic information sources available. This post highlights some of the latest information about PGRs utilized for ornamental crops.
e-GRO Mobile Rate App
This spring, a new web-based app was introduced by the e-GRO group. The PGR Advisor for Floral Crops lists crop specific recommended PGR rates based on the labels, research study rates, and plant supplier information. It can be accessed using your phone, tablet or computer. The app is free.
The web address is:
After starting the app, then select the plant you want to treat, and decide among the PGR options listed.
New Plant Growth Regulators for Annuals Guide
A new, updated version of the Annual PGR Guide was published in January 2015 by GrowerTalks and Fine Americas. This publication was expanded with over 100 new entrees. It was mailed out to subscribers of GrowerTalks and a pdf copy can be obtained from the Fine website.
Multi-touch iBook for the iPad®
Selecting and Using Plant Growth Regulators on Floricultural Crops
This 76-page iBook was created by Mark Sumner of Virginia Tech. Content authors were Joyce Latimer of Virginia Tech and Brian Whipker of NC State University. The iBook covers the foundation of PGRs, has videos, photo galleries, and rate tables. The book is a free download and works on an iPad® version 2 or greater.
Available at:
PGR Mix Master
Brian Krug of the University of New Hampshire partnered with Fine Americas to develop a mobile app for calculating PGR mixing rates. PGR Mix Master is available for the iPhone®, Android®, and Blackberry®. It calculates PGR mixing rates for sprays and drenches for most of the common chemicals available for ornamentals. A more detailed article about the apps was written by Dr. Krug as an e-GRO Alert. The article also has an embedded video with instructions about how to use the app. The article is number 1.11 and is available at:
(A computer based alternative rate calculator called PGRCalc is also available calculating mixing rates at:
A collection of 20 podcasts (videos) that cover a wide array of PGR related subjects is available free on the Greenhouse Grower website. Most videos are around 5 minutes in length.
View them at:
Take Home Message
Find out about rates and calculating the mixing amounts has gotten easier. PGR information is now at your fingertips with the introduction of the two web apps, iBook and pdf copy of the Fine/GrowerTalks PGRs for Annuals guide.