About Dr. Brian Whipker

Dr. Brian E. Whipker earned the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Horticulture and Agricultural Education, Agricultural Economics, and Horticulture, respectively. All four degrees were from Purdue University. Brian was a Regional Extension Specialist with Commercial Greenhouse and Vegetable crops in Northern Indiana from 1988 to 1991. He also was an Assistant Professor with responsibilities in floriculture at Iowa State University from 1995 to 1997.In 1997, he became an Assistant Professor of Horticulture at North Carolina State University. His responsibilities are in Floriculture with an 80% Extension and 20% Research split. In 2002, he was promoted to Associate Professor and in 2007 to Full Professor. Research interests include the areas of plant nutrition, plant growth regulators, and economics (cost of production). Extension interests include the development of problem solving guides for growers. Emphasis has been in the development of photographic guides and cultural manuals for problem solving.

Posts by Dr. Brian Whipker :

Fresco Use Tips

Brian Whipker, North Carolina State University When one thinks of plant growth regulators (PGRs), the primary focus is on growth control mainly through regulating internode stretch. There are times when additional growth is needed.  That is where a growth enhancement PGR such as Fresco should...
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Fresco Growth Promotion

Brian Whipker, North Carolina State University Many factors can result in plant stall, including insufficient fertilization rates, sub-optimal temperatures, cloudy weather, and plant growth regulator overdoses (anti-gibberellin PGRs) (Figure 1). The question often asked by growers, “how can I obtain a little additional growth?”  The...
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Evening-Out Results with Paclobutrazol

Brian Whipker, North Carolina State University One of the most popular plant growth regulators (PGR) used in greenhouse floriculture production is paclobutrazol.  Bonzi® from Syngenta was the initial paclo registered in the U.S.  Fine Americas offers Piccolo® and their newer formulation of Piccolo 10XC®.  For...
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Getting The Most Out of Your PGR Applications

There are a number of factors that influence getting the most out of your plant growth regulator applications.  Some of the top considerations are listed below. Environmental Conditions.  Environmental conditions can have a significant impact on the efficacy of a PGR.  Applying PGRs early in...
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Plant Growth Regulator Electronic Resources

There are a number of free PGR resources available to greenhouse growers. This video highlights iBooks, apps and pdf guides that will help improve your use of plant growth regulators. Brian Whipker is a Professor of Floriculture at North Carolina State University. He specializes in...
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