Fine Americas Introduces Falgro® 2X LV PGR for High-Value Agricultural Crops
Fine Americas introduces Falgro® 2X LV PGR
for high-value agricultural crops
Walnut Creek, Calif., March 24, 2014– Fine Americas, Inc., a leading manufacturer
and marketer of plant growth regulators for the fruit and ornamental sectors, today
announced the introduction of its new Falgro® 2X LV plant growth regulator. The new
formulation is labeled for use on a wide variety of high-value crops, including table
grapes, citrus and sweet cherries.
“Falgro® 2X LV offers two significant advantages over our popular Falgro® 4L
formulation,” noted Greg Johnson, president of Fine Americas. “First, Falgro® 2X LV
is the only low-volatile organic compound (VOC) liquid GA3 formulation approved by
the California Department of Pesticide Regulation. And second, Falgro® 2X LV
features twice the concentration of gibberellin A3 (GA3), making it easier to handle
and mix.”
According to Kevin Forney, technical services manager for Fine Americas, Falgro®
2X LV offers a number of economic benefits to fruit growers. “In table grapes, for
example, applications of Falgro® 2X LV for ‘stretch’ produces looser clusters, allows
for better air circulation to aid in the control of bunch rot, and increases light
penetration to aid in sugar development.”
Forney added that Falgro® 2X LV protects oranges, grapefruit and other citrus
varieties from rind disorders while helping cherry growers produce larger, firmer and
brighter-colored fruit. “It really is a very versatile product for improving the yield and
marketability of labeled crops. And because the new 2X LV formulation is a liquid, it’s
extremely user-friendly as well.”
Falgro® 2X LV is one of a growing portfolio of plant growth regulators currently
offered by Fine Americas for use in fruit and vegetable crops. The company’s other
brands include Blush®, Exilis® Plus, Motivate®, Novagib® and Perlan®. Growers
interested in learning more about these products should visit the company website at or contact their nearest Fine Americas representative.
About Fine Americas, Inc.
Fine Americas, Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Fine Holdings Ltd., Worcester, UK.
Founded in 1983, Fine focuses on the development and marketing of plant growth
regulators for fruit and ornamental crops. The company received is ISO 9001:2008
accredited and continually strives to improve plant growth regulator technology to meet the
exacting demands of today’s quality-conscious growers. For more information about Fine
Americas, please visit
About Engle Creative Solutions, LLC
Headquartered in Columbia, MO, Engle Creative Solutions is a full-service marketing
communications company specializing in agribusiness, financial services and health care
accounts. Engle Creative Solutions is committed to helping its clients “stand out in a
crowded world” through sound strategy coupled with flawless creative execution.
To learn more about Engle Creative Solutions, go to
For more information, contact:
Gregory Johnson
Fine Americas, Inc.
1850 Mt. Diablo Blvd., Suite 405
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
(925) 932-8817
Steve Engle
President/Chief Creative Officer
Engle Creative Solutions, LLC
4807 Walnut Ridge Court
Columbia, MO 65203